Friday, September 18, 2009

Continuation: Equine Pregnancy and a visit to the clinic

I was seen by Dr. Doctor shortly after noon. I'd been trying to persuade the doctor to give me a prescription for an extra month's supply of Prettypills to have on hand in the event of a disaster ever since I completed a 20-hour disaster-preparedness training course sponsored by the City of Oakland. I have even volunteered to be a victim for the grand finale of the next course which is when a mini-disaster is created and most of the people who took the course realize how utterly inept they are. Volunteer victims are made up by a volunteer professional make-up artist to have a skull fracture, a missing eye, a broken clavicle, or big spillage of blood and I can't wait.

Dr. Doctor is very conservative, drug-wise, and has been a real heel-dragger regarding those extra Prettypills which, by the way, are not addictive and have no street resale value, but today the doctor surprised me by agreeing to write a prescription for 60 pills instead of the usual 30.
I asked about getting another form of estrogen, telling the doctor I never even opened the package I got from the clinic last month once I realized it was Premarin, Dr. Doctor wanted to know what was wrong with Premarin. I explained a little about the continually-pregnant mares and other things that caused me years ago to vow I would never use it. It was news to the doctor. Never heard of a controversy about Premarin. The doctor wrote me another prescription for estrogen but unfortunately the clinic pharmacy doesn't have anything except Premarin and I'll have to go elsewhere to fill that prescription that has "no estrogen made from urine of pregnant mare" written on it.

By the time we said goodbye, it was 12:20, too late to bring the prescription to the pharmacy which closes for lunch at 12:00 but stops taking prescriptions between 11:15 and 11:30 and you never know which time it's going to be, until it reopens at 1 PM. Over a tasty lunch at McDonald's I did the Prettypills math and calculated that I wasn't given an extra month's supply at all because my next appointment to come for another prescription would be in 8 weeks, at which point almost all the Prettypills will be gone. Sometimes I wonder if Dr. Doctor is on my side.

I drove back to the clinic parking lot, took a nap in my hot little car, woke up and went to the pharmacy. Along the way, I saw folks in the hall who'd been waiting there in the morning and were still waiting in the afternoon. We waved at each other because the clinic is a friendly place . They were drop-in patients. They would all be seen before the clinic closed for the day. I know this because the first time I went to the clinic, I had an 11 o'clock appointment but was mistaken for a drop-in and wasn't seen until after 6 PM.

4 1/2 hours to get 60 free Prettypills and a prescription for anything except Premarin isn't that bad, I suppose.

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